Going together.
The Taxi-Link APP is available for smartphones running Android or iOS. It is the most efficient way to order your taxi, automating many of the information that has to be provided with other forms of calling. The APP uses permanently updated Google Maps cartography to automatically obtain the collection address based on your smartphone’s GPS location. You can also manually drag the map to indicate the desired collection point when it does not correspond to where you are. Frequent addresses, such as residence or work addresses, can also be defined in each user’s account.
The Taxi-Link APP includes a sophisticated travel cost simulator that is automatically activated when you are told the destination of the trip. This simulator uses the fare rules in force in taxi fleets of the respective municipalities, given the variation that exists between municipalities (some municipalities work with tariffs 1, 3 and 5, while others only work with tariffs 3 and 5. The simulator also presents the different estimates of travel cost for the various types of taxi that exist in each county (4 or more places, exempt from badge, etc).
In the Taxi-Link APP you can create your list of favorite drivers, depending on the experience you had on each trip. On each request you can tell us selection criteria, which includes the preference to travel with your favorite drivers, or only with 5-star vehicles, which in our case correspond to mid/high range vehicles under 6 years old.
Android e iOS Available.